My Omind

4 months

UI|UX design

High fidelity Figma mock ups & wireframes

High fidelity Figma mock ups

& wireframes


My Omind is where the clients are finding the tracks of the training program they subscribed to, the different modules composing this track, feedback about their past performance, and final reports once the trainings are done.

The plateform started as a simple interface, where the coaches were able to build their own track, with pre build blocks. They could also schedule simple actions, like making appointment, sending reminders, send links to the exercices etc…

As feedback were collected, and the content of OMIND solutions evolved, there were a need for clarity. The user could get lost, and would have

Previous version of the dashboard

Pain points

The user doesn’t know how long it will take to complete their course.
They lack an overview of what is left to do.
No feedback on how good they are performing.
Impossible to get back to an exercise

Mobile first approach

The different tracks are accessible with a swipe.
The use is free to scroll back and forth on the different

About the client

Over the last 4 years, we have partnered with OMIND Neurotechnologies to materialize their vision into interactive and immersive products. We worked under the Head of Product and Head of Science management, closely collaborating with their in-house developers.

When we first join, the team at OMIND was very successful with their proof of concept, a virtual reality experience, with biofeedback, and needed a multi disciplinary design help, to evolve into a range of solutions built for coaches and companies alike.

Their main goal is to help individuals within a company to assess and develop their ever evolving soft skills, in order to create better teams, better environment, and in the end, better products.

AC DESIGN STUDIO | Your one stop digital design studio


Your one stop digital design studio


Your one stop digital design studio